_step = $_POST['step']; } session_start(); } public function setTemplate($tpl) { $this->_template = $tpl; } private function _getConfigPath() { if (file_exists('application/config/config.ini.php')) { $path = 'application/config/config.ini.php'; } else { $path = 'application/config/config.ini'; } return $path; } private function _step1() { $this->_title = $this->t('main_title'); $path = $this->_getConfigPath(); if (!file_exists($path)) { $this->_stepStatus = false; $this->_content .= $this->_wrapError($this->t('place_to_tds_dir')); } $this->_connect(); if ($this->_stepStatus) { $this->_content .= '
'; $this->_content .= '
'; $this->_footer .= ''."\r\n"; } else { $this->_footer .= ''."\r\n"; } } private function _wrapSuccess($text) { return '
' . $text . '
'; } private function _wrapError($text) { return '
' . $text . '
'; } private function _getLogins() { $items = []; $stmt = $this->_pdo->query("SELECT login FROM ".$this->_cnf['db']['prefix']."users"); foreach($stmt->fetchAll(\PDO::FETCH_COLUMN) as $row) { $items[] = $row; } return $items; } private function _step2() { $this->_connect(); if (isset($_POST) AND count($_POST)) { if (strlen($_POST['login']) == 0) { $this->_stepStatus = false; $this->_footer .= $this->_wrapError($this->t('empty_login')); } elseif (strlen($_POST['password']) == 0) { $this->_stepStatus = false; $this->_footer .= $this->_wrapError($this->t('empty_password')); } else { $password = md5($_POST['password'].$this->_cnf['system']['salt']); $sql="UPDATE ".$this->_cnf['db']['prefix']."users SET `password`='".$password."' WHERE `login` = '".htmlspecialchars($_POST['login'], ENT_QUOTES)."'"; $this->_pdo->exec($sql); try { $sql="UPDATE ".$this->_cnf['db']['prefix']."users SET `password_hash`= NULL WHERE `login` = '".htmlspecialchars($_POST['login'], ENT_QUOTES)."'"; $this->_pdo->exec($sql); } catch(\PDOException $e) { } } } if ($this->_stepStatus) { $this->_content .= $this->t('success'); $this->_footer .= '' . $this->t('login'). ''."\r\n"; } else { $this->_stepStatus = true; $this->_step1(); } } private function _initConfig() { $this->_cnf = parse_ini_string(file_get_contents($this->_getConfigPath()), true); } private function _connect() { $this->_initConfig(); $host = $this->_cnf['db']['server']; $user = $this->_cnf['db']['user']; $pass = $this->_cnf['db']['password']; $db = $this->_cnf['db']['name']; if (!($this->_pdo instanceof \PDO)) { $dsn = "mysql:host=$host;dbname=INFORMATION_SCHEMA;charset=utf8"; $opt = array( \PDO::ATTR_ERRMODE => \PDO::ERRMODE_EXCEPTION, \PDO::ATTR_DEFAULT_FETCH_MODE => \PDO::FETCH_ASSOC ); try { $this->_pdo = new \PDO($dsn, $user, $pass, $opt); } catch (\PDOException $e) { $this->_stepStatus = false; $this->_footer .= '
MySQL connection error: ' . $e->getMessage() . '
'; return; } } $stmt = $this->_pdo->query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.SCHEMATA WHERE SCHEMA_NAME = '" . $db . "'"); if (!(bool) $stmt->fetchColumn()) { $this->_stepStatus = false; $this->_content .= '
Db ' . $db . ' not found
'; return; } $this->_pdo->exec('USE `' . $db . '`;'); $this->_pdo->exec("set character_set_client=utf8"); $this->_pdo->exec("set character_set_connection=utf8"); $this->_pdo->exec("set character_set_results=utf8"); $this->_pdo->exec("set collation_connection=utf8_unicode_ci"); } public function dispatch() { if (!session_id()) { session_start(); } $this->_checkLang(); $content = $this->_template; if (defined('CHECKER') && CHECKER) { $this->_step = 1; } $action = '_step'.$this->_step; if (method_exists($this, $action)){ $this->$action(); } else { $this->_title = 'Error'; $this->_content = 'Step not exists'; } $content = str_replace('#DOMAIN#', $this->_site, $content); $content = str_replace('#CONTENT#', $this->_content, $content); $content = str_replace('#FOOTER#', $this->_footer, $content); $content = str_replace('#STEP#', $this->_step, $content); $content = str_replace('#TITLE#', $this->_title, $content); $content = str_replace('#MAIN_TITLE#', $this->t('main_title'), $content); $content = str_replace('#DOCUMENTATION#', $this->t('documentation'), $content); $content = str_replace('#CURRENT_STEP#', (int) $this->_step, $content); $content = str_replace('#ANOTHER_LANG#', $this->_getAnotherLang(), $content); $content = str_replace('#CHANGE_LANG#', $this->_getChangeLangText(), $content); echo $content; } public function t($key, $params = null) { return KLocale::get($key, $params); } private function _getAnotherLang() { if (KLocale::getPreferredLanguage() == 'ru') { return 'en'; } else { return 'ru'; } } private function _getChangeLangText() { if (KLocale::getPreferredLanguage() == 'ru') { return 'RU → EN'; } else { return 'EN → RU'; } } private function _checkLang() { if (isset($_GET['lang'])) { KLocale::setPreferredLanguage($_GET['lang']); } } } class KLocale { protected static $_data = array( 'ru' => array( 'main_title' => 'Сброс пароля Keitaro', 'place_to_tds_dir' => 'Пожалуйста, загрузите скрипт в директорию Keitaro', 'login' => 'Логин', 'new_password' => 'Новый пароль', 'change' => 'Сменить', 'select_login' => 'Выберите логин', 'empty_password' => 'Введите пароль', 'empty_login' => 'Выберите пользователя', 'sign_in' => 'Авторизоваться', 'success' => '

Пароль заменен.

Не забудьте удалить файл reset_password.php

' ), 'en' => array( 'main_title' => 'Password Reset', 'place_to_tds_dir' => 'Please upload this script to directory of Keitaro', 'login' => 'User Login', 'new_password' => 'New Password', 'change' => 'Change password', 'select_login' => 'Choose a login', 'empty_password' => 'Enter password', 'empty_login' => 'Choose a user', 'sign_in' => 'Sign in', 'success' => '

Password changed.

Do not forget to remove "reset_password.php"

' ) ); protected static $_language; protected static $_languages = array('ru', 'en'); const DEFAULT_LANGUAGE = 'ru'; public static function setPreferredLanguage($lang) { if (!in_array($lang, self::$_languages)) { throw new Exception('Language ' . $lang . ' not exists'); } setcookie('installer_lang', $lang); $_COOKIE['installer_lang'] = $lang; } public static function getPreferredLanguage() { if (isset($_COOKIE['installer_lang'])) { $lang = $_COOKIE['installer_lang']; } else { if (strstr($_SERVER["HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE"], 'en')) { $lang = 'en'; } if (strstr($_SERVER["HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE"], 'ru')) { $lang = 'ru'; } } if (!in_array($lang, self::$_languages)) { $lang = self::DEFAULT_LANGUAGE; } return $lang; } public static function get($key, $params = null) { $path = explode('.', $key); $data = self::$_data[self::getPreferredLanguage()]; $translation = self::_find($path, $data); if (!isset($translation)) { $translation = $key; } if ($params) { if (!is_array($params)) { $params = array($params); } $args = array_merge(array($translation), $params); $translation = call_user_func_array('sprintf', $args); } return $translation; } public static function t($key, $params = null) { return KLocale::get($key, $params); } protected static function _find($path, $data) { $key = array_shift($path); if (!isset($data[$key])) { return null; } if (count($path)) { return self::_find($path, $data[$key]); } return $data[$key]; } } $Installer = new ResetPassword(); $Installer->setTemplate(ob_get_contents()); ob_clean(); $Installer->dispatch();